
  • Bad News

    Sorry, folks. Sadly, Four Trees Kitchen has closed. Someday I may try again.

  • Making Progress!

    Making Progress!

    Hey everybody! We’re getting things organized to get back to baking. The plan is more or less complete, the appliances have been ordered and we’ll be back in business soon. Thanks for your patience and support!

  • Still Cookin’ !

    Still Cookin’ !

    Even with a dead oven, we keep on making good stuff! Tonight is Tuscan Shrimp and Scallops with the amazing Barbecued Sun-dried Tomato & Basil Bread.

  • What’s New in the Kitchen

    What’s New in the Kitchen

    Sorry we’ve been silent!  Our oven quit a few weeks back and we are still trying to decide on which brand we are going to replace it with.  Thanks for hanging in! We’ll be back soon! 

  • Chicken Stock

    Chicken Stock

    I’m torn – I already said there’s nothing more valuable you can have in the freezer than tomato sauce… then I thought about chicken stock. Sure, you can make it up as you need it or buy the canned stuff, but home brew stuff is so easy and good that it seems a natural to…

  • Kraft Pizza Kit

    Kraft Pizza Kit

    Those of us “of a certain age” have fond memories of the Kraft Pizza Kit. Mum used to make them for the mob of kids in my familly and I think I was 17 or 18 before I encountered “real” pizza. In the years since, my tastes in pizza have evolved and developed. My personal…

  • Bagels – Step by Step

    Bagels – Step by Step

    A few people have expressed an interest in the steps it takes to make bagels, so here it goes. Bagels start like most yeast leavened breads, with a mix of flour, salt, sugar, yeast and water. Once it’s mixed, it needs to rest and rise for a while. I have a couple of big bowls…

  • Raisin Brown Bread

    Raisin Brown Bread

    This recipe is based on a brown bread my mum used to make to go along with baked beans and potato salad. I’ve added some spices and raisins. This tastes incredible fresh and makes a wonderful toast later. 1 cup rolled oats1 cup raisins1/2 cup molasses2 tbsp brown sugar1 1/2 cup hot water1 tsp salt1…

  • Order Form Updated

    Order Form Updated

    Hey everybody! We’ve updated our order form to reflect a couple of new things we’re baking. Here it is!

  • Shrimp and Mushroom Stuffed Baked Potatoes

    Shrimp and Mushroom Stuffed Baked Potatoes

    Okay, this one sounds decadent but trust me – it’s simple and reasonably inexpensive if you get a bag of frozen shrimp when they’re on sale and they taste absolutely great! If you don’t like shrimp, substitute frozen scallops or whatever white-fish you like. Or go nuts and include them all! 4 large baking potatoes1…

  • Red River Cereal Bread

    Red River Cereal Bread

    When I was a kid, mum used to serve the five of us Red River Cereal porridge with cream and brown sugar. It rocked. As an adult I tried adding it to my bread recipe and discovered an AMAZING bread with a fantastic nutty flavour and crunch to it. 1 cup Red River Cereal2 cups…

  • Red River Cereal!

    Red River Cereal!

    Great news, everybody! My Red River Cereal has arrived from Arva Flour Mill! I can’t wait to bake with it. It makes the most amazing nutty-crunchy delicious bread. I’ve not made bagels with it yet, but it’s at the top of my list for my next baking day. Many thanks to the wonderful folks at…